
How a Physiotherapist Can Help You Manage Shoulder Pain

For many people, popping a painkiller is always more convenient than visiting a healthcare professional. However, these treatments only relieve the symptom. It does not address the cause. When it comes to shoulder pain, there is only one I trust – my physiotherapist in Werribee. I know this may sound biased. Allow me to share with you how a physiotherapist can help you manage shoulder pain.

Everything Starts with a Comprehensive Assessment

You may ask why this is necessary when your complaint is about an aching shoulder. I also had the same question. As it turns out, the pain that we feel in our shoulders can be brought about by a variety of reasons. It can be because of poor posture related to our activities of daily living. Stress can also be a major contributor to the occurrence of pain.

Because these ‘things’ are not related to the shoulders, a physiotherapist has to obtain as much information as he can about your health. He will want to know any activities that you have done in the past that may have contributed to the development of shoulder pain. Any history of medication intake, medical or surgical procedures, and other therapies that you may have undergone in the past are also crucial. Everything has got to do with understanding the most likely reason for the shoulder pain.

Part of this assessment is the actual examination of your shoulders. He will look at the position of the shoulder blades. He will ask you to perform a number of movements with your shoulders. This will give the physiotherapist an idea of the limitations in the shoulder joints. He will also assess the strength of the shoulder muscles.

A Physiotherapist Plans Your Care that Addresses the Cause of the Problem

Based on the information obtained during the clinical assessment, the physiotherapist can now come up with a more accurate diagnosis. This is going to be the basis of the formulation of your treatment goals and objectives.

The best part of this is that the physiotherapist will share with you the treatment plan first. He wants to make sure that you understand the goal of treatment, including the different interventions that you are going to undertake.

I find this part to be very enriching. Being able to talk to a physiotherapist regarding how to manage shoulder pain is almost as good as popping a painkiller itself. I can always ask questions about certain things. This is important if ever you want your treatment to be successful.

Provides Appropriate Physical Therapy to Address the Problem

With the plan of care set, the physiotherapist can now focus his attention on your painful shoulders. Everything depends on the goal of the treatment and the main problems that he identified during the assessment phase.

In general, a physiotherapist can teach you how to perform the most appropriate exercises that will address the problem. This is one of the best parts of physiotherapy. There are no pills involved; no side effects to worry about. Best of all, you get to continue with these exercises right in your own home.

I know that many people don’t like the idea of ‘exercises’. However, this is important if you want to address the root cause of your shoulder pain. These exercises do not only relieve pain; they also strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and improve the range of motion of the joints.

In addition to teaching you exercises, physiotherapists can also provide a number of therapies. These can include strengthening exercises, soft tissue releases, and manual therapy. They will help address the pain and discomfort in the shoulders. They’re like your painkillers. The only difference is that you also get additional benefits such as a calmer mind and a more relaxed body.

Personally, I find our interactions very rewarding. I get to understand the reason why I have shoulder pain. I also get a better appreciation of the risk factors that can predispose me to shoulder pain. What I learned from my physiotherapy sessions is that there are some things that I have to modify in my life if want to be free from shoulder pain.

Sure, popping a painkiller is easier than going through the different exercises and lifestyle modification that a physiotherapist will recommend. However, this isn’t going to make the shoulder pain go away for good. Physiotherapy can.